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Gregory Taylor - Shut Off : The Canadian Digital Television Transition ebook MOBI, PDF, DJV

Shut Off : The Canadian Digital Television Transition by Gregory Taylor read online EPUB, PDF, DJV

Digital technology has revolutionized modern television but what exactly has changed? The history of the digital transition is one of great scientific achievement, expensive failures, and significant political and industrial power struggles. In Shut Off: The Canadian Digital Television Transition, Gregory Taylor examines the technology, institutional players, and the policies that have shaped Canada's efforts to switch from analogue to digital television broadcasting. Taylor shows how digital television is part of a global media movement by comparing the Canadian experience with the ways in which the digital transition has been managed worldwide. Shut Off is about more than television - the digital transition is also a precursor for new developments in mobile digital media. The wireless spectrum freed by the move to digital television is a multi-billion dollar public resource, whose auction is impending. The book reveals how digital broadcasting has been the site of dramatic change in the political economy of Canadian media, and questions the market-driven process through which the still incomplete transition has unfolded. Considering wide-ranging issues such as equal access and television as a public good, Taylor highlights public and institutional actors in the policy process to provide an analysis of government and industry. Succinct and insightful, Shut Off is a timely assessment of a period of technological and economic upheaval in Canadian broadcasting.

Designed to be a practical guide for the play therapist this study includes: coverage of legal and medical issues; pragmatic assignments for parents; guidelines for working with angry and resistant parents; a listing of state protective and advocacy agencies; and tips for working with managed care.This revolutionary text introduces you to the five different gears, or mindsets, that carry you through various facets of your day.Elsewhere, a garden snake is arrested by animal control and jailed for home invasion.In addition to New and Full Moon forecasts for the year, you’ll find insightful articles on weather forecasts, seed saving, moons of other planets, the Hawaiian lunar calendar, the relationship between natal moon and nurturing, and more.Connecting with Facebook Basic guide to Facebook for older users 10.Readers will also find growing information on more fruits and herbs, new cultivar photographs in many vegetable entries, and a much-requested section on extending the season into the winter months.
Raised-Bed Gardening : How to Grow More and Water Less download book DJV, PDF, DOC

Raised-bed gardening is a popular gardening technique that allows growers to achieve greater yields while watering less. An opening section explains the basics of raised beds, focusing on the benefits of raised beds (easier maintenance, better drainage, soil amelioration, etc.) and explaining how to build, maintain, and compost with raised beds. The heart of the book comprises instructions for building and maintaining 17 different types of raised beds, from the conventional-style bed to the more innovative "keyhole garden" that is particularly effective in hot and dry climates. Other raised-bed styles featured include rooftop gardens, raised-bed dining areas, and raised beds for children. The book concludes with plans for 5 planting projects, including an herb garden, a vegetable garden, and an ornamental garden.

There are a lot of options out there, and if you are not sure how to find the right financial aid for you, this book is your answer.We know these rules by familiar names like city ordinances, product design standards, purchasing agreements, public policies, cultural norms, or national constitutions.When duty calls, these legendary champions answer, fighting valiantly until justice prevails.To subtract, they had some of their fingers amputated.I promise.' In this hilarious and candid memoir about twenty-first-century womanhood, Cherry shares outrageous, poignant and eye-wateringly funny confessions.Fifteen of the most respected authors of our time contribute their perspectives to this masterfully crafted anthology.I promise.' In this hilarious and candid memoir about twenty-first-century womanhood, Cherry shares outrageous, poignant and eye-wateringly funny confessions.The book also highlights how to recognize your reflux trigger foods, how to get off reflux medication, and how to lose weight the right way--and keep it off.And, as a special bonus, there are extra projects to access online ", These 30 whimsical paper projects are frightfully delightful!The Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), endorsed in 2012 by the continent s Heads of State and Government, lays out an ambitious long-term plan for closing Africa s infrastructure including trough step increases in hydroelectric power generation and water storage capacity.Whether you're a whiz with Avid or just discovered iMovie, the third edition of Grammar of the Edit gives you the answers to those all-important questions: WHEN to cut and WHY.The area surrounding Cashiers, North Carolina, is home to people of all kinds, but the world that Jacob McNeely lives in is crueler than most.This industrial process allows both texture and form to be created at the same time.
Cass Turnbull - Guide to Pruning : What, When, Where, and How to Prune for a More Beautiful Garden ebook DOC, EPUB, TXT

Prune trees, shrubs, and other plants with the knowledge that will make your plants grow in healthy and aesthetic ways. Covering 160 plants with clear instructions and illustrations, Cass Turnbull will show you exactly how to prune any plant in your garden. This 3rd Edition of Cass Turnbull's Guide to Pruning covers more than twenty additional plants in three new chapters. The result is the new definitive guide for the home gardener with friendly, expert advice from Cass Turnbull, founder of Seattle's PlantAmnesty, whose mission is "to end the senseless torture and mutilation of trees and shrubs caused by mal-pruning." Here are ten commandments for preventing mal-pruning and other gardening sins: The Ten Gardener Commandments 1. Thou shalt not shear thy bush. 2. Thou shalt not top thy tree. 3. Thou shalt not plant thy sun-lover in the shade, nor thy shade-lover in the sun. 4. Thou shalt mulch. 5. Thou shalt not leave stubs. 6. Thou shalt not flush cut, neither shalt thou paint wounds. 7. Thou shalt not cover up the base of thy plant, or thy tree, or thy shrub. Neither with mulch, nor with soil, nor with any landscape material. 8. Thou shalt cut circling/girdling roots. 9. Thou shalt not compact the root zone of thy tree, nor trench near the trunk of thy tree. 10. Thou shalt not weed-whip the trunk of thy tree, nor bash it with thine mower, nor leave anything tied on thy tree or the branches of thy tree, as is done in the land of the philistines., The proper way to prune a tree, shrub, or vine isn't necessarily a matter of common sense. That's why you see strangely shaped hedges and trees with stringy branches shooting straight up. Fear not, weary gardener. Cass Turnbull is here to explain the right way to prune trees, bamboo, shrubs, and 160 other plants, with clear instructions and illustructions, so you too can put an end to bad pruning and create a more beautiful garden., This 3rd Edition of Cass Turnbull's Guide to Pruningcovers more than twenty additional plants in three new chapters. The result is the new definitive guide for the home gardener with friendly, expert advice from Cass Turnbull, founder of Seattle's PlantAmnesty, whose mission is "to end the senseless torture and mutilation of trees and shrubs caused by mal-pruning." Nothing about pruning is obvious. In fact, most of it is downright counterintuitive. People try to prune plants like they cut lumber or hair. But that doesn't work to get what they want. Your plants are actually telling you how they want to be pruned and where they need to be planted, if you would just learn to listen to your burning bush. Here are ten commandments for preventing mal-pruning and other gardening sins: The Ten Gardener Commandments 1. Thou shalt not shear thy bush. 2. Thou shalt not top thy tree. 3. Thou shalt not plant thy sun-lover in the shade, nor thy shade-lover in the sun. 4. Thou shalt mulch. 5. Thou shalt not leave stubs. 6. Thou shalt not flush cut, neither shalt thou paint wounds. 7. Thou shalt not cover up the base of thy plant, or thy tree, or thy shrub. Neither with mulch, nor with soil, nor with any landscape material. 8. Thou shalt cut circling/girdling roots. 9. Thou shalt not compact the root zone of thy tree, nor trench near the trunk of thy tree. 10. Thou shalt not weed-whip the trunk of thy tree, nor bash it with thine mower, nor leave anything tied on thy tree or the branches of thy tree, as is done in the land of the philistines. With the information in Cass Turnbull's Guide to Pruning, you can approach your trees, shrubs, and other plants with the knowledge that will make your plants grow in healthy and aesthetic ways. The book is organized around the most common types of plants found in Northwest gardens: evergreen and deciduous shrubs; bamboos and tea roses; rhododendrons, camellia, and other tree-like shrubs; hedge plants like boxwood and heather; and clematis, wisteria, and all those vines. It also includes detailed information on trees by species from dogwoods to weeping cherries. Cass Turnbull is a funny writer with a mission, so mind your shears and loppers!, This 3rd Edition of Cass Turnbulland#39;s Guide to Pruning covers more than twenty additional plants in three new chapters. The result is the new definitive guide for the home gardener with friendly, expert advice from Cass Turnbull, founder of Seattleand#39;s PlantAmnesty, whose mission is and"to end the senseless torture and mutilation of trees and shrubs caused by mal-pruning.and"Nothing about pruning is obvious. In fact, most of it is downright counterintuitive. People try to prune plants like they cut lumber or hair. But that doesnand#39;t work to get what they want. Your plants are actually telling you how they want to be pruned and where they need to be planted, if you would just learn to listen to your burning bush. Here are ten commandments for preventing mal-pruning and other gardening sins:The Ten Gardener Commandments1. Thou shalt not shear thy bush.2. Thou shalt not top thy tree.3. Thou shalt not plant thy sun-lover in the shade, nor thy shade-lover in the sun.4. Thou shalt mulch.5. Thou shalt not leave stubs.6. Thou shalt not flush cut, neither shalt thou paint wounds.7. Thou shalt not cover up the base of thy plant, or thy tree, or thy shrub. Neither with mulch, nor with soil, nor with any landscape material.8. Thou shalt cut circling/girdling roots.9. Thou shalt not compact the root zone of thy tree, nor trench near the trunk of thy tree.10. Thou shalt not weed-whip the trunk of thy tree, nor bash it with thine mower, nor leave anything tied on thy tree or the branches of thy tree, as is done in the land of the philistines.With the information in Cass Turnbulland#39;s Guide to Pruning, you can approach your trees, shrubs, and other plants with the knowledge that will make your plants grow in healthy and aesthetic ways. The book is organized around the most common types of plants found in Northwest gardens: evergreen and deciduous shrubs; bamboos and tea roses; rhododendrons, camellia, and other tree-like shrubs; hedge plants like boxwood and heather; and clematis, wisteria, and all those vines. It also includes detailed information on trees by species from dogwoods to weeping cherries.Cass Turnbull is a gardner with a mission, so mind your shears and loppers!

Employing writing, drawing and mapping methodologies, this interdisciplinary project explores restrictions and legislatures which directly influence abortion policy in the US, Mexico and Canada.Formative assessments are included to support data-driven instruction.They embody the instructional "shifts" and the standards for mathematical practice that are fundamental to the CCSS.Abduction, damnation, hell, brain-washing, fart jail, murderous machinations, magical kingdoms are all bandied about as Gleason lets loose across 76 pages of pencil-born sequential art.It includes cross references that link topics and words together, introductions to the various books of the Bible, a superb system of chain references, the concordance, study notes, charts and diagrams, a subject and a proper name index, and much more.He combines techniques from the fields of statistics, biostatistics, demography and epidemiology to present a comprehensive overview that does not require computational details of the statistical techniques described.They embody the instructional "shifts" and the standards for mathematical practice demanded by the CCSS.Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists.It is designed to serve one specific purpose: it shows readers how to interpret statistical results.A clear presentation of conservative Bible doctrine, with the resources you need for knowing God's Word.Formative assessments are included to support data-driven instruction.The contributions include detailed renderings and architectural drawings, as well as informative acoustic data graphs and evocative descriptions of the spaces.
Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School: Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School : A Companion to School Experience (2016, Hardcover, Revised) by download FB2, PDF, MOBI

Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary Schoolcombines theory and practice to present a broad introduction to the opportunities and challenges of teaching mathematics in the secondary school classroom. This fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest changes to the curriculum and research in the field, taking into account key developments in teacher training and education, including examinations and assessment. Written specifically with the new and student teacher in mind, the book covers a wide range of issues related to the teaching of mathematics, such as: why we teach mathematics the place of mathematics in the National Curriculum planning, teaching and assessing for mathematics learning how to communicate mathematically using digital technology to advance mathematical learning working with students with special educational needs post-16 teaching the importance of professional development the affective dimension when learning mathematics, including motivation, confidence and resilience Already a major text for many university teaching courses, this revised edition features a glossary of useful terms and carefully designed tasks to prompt critical reflection and support thinking and writing up to Masters Level. Issues of professional development are also examined, as well as a range of teaching approaches and styles from whole-class strategies to personalised learning, helping you to make the most of school experience, during your training and beyond. Designed for use as a core textbook, Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School provides essential guidance and advice for all those who aspire to be effective mathematics teachers., What is the role of mathematics in the secondary classroom and what is expected of a would-be maths teacher? How is mathematics best taught and learnt? This textbook combines theory and practice to present a broad introduction to the opportunities and challenges of teaching mathematics in the modern secondary school classroom. The new edition takes into account developments in teacher trainin and education, the National Curriculum, and examinations and assessment: The purpose of school mathematics Communicating mathematically The role of new technologies in the mathematics Curriculum and its teaching Planning/mathematics Education for pupils with special needs/for SEN Assessment and public examinations Teaching mathematics post-16 Designed for use as a core textbook, the book looks at mathematics in context and as a wide-ranging subject, representing general and cross-curricular skills. Issues of professional development, including Assessment for Learning and reflective practice are examined, as well as a range of teaching approaches and styles, from whole-class strategies to personalised learning.


Read book Mitchell Yockelson - Forty-Seven Days : How Pershing's Warriors Came of Age to Defeat the German Army in World War I MOBI, PDF

"The gripping account of the U.S. First Army's astonishing triumph over Germans in America's bloodiest battle of the First World War - the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. The Battle of the Meuse-Argonne stands as the deadliest clash in American history: More than a million untested American soldiers went up against a better-trained and-experienced German army, costing more than twenty-six thousand deaths and leaving nearly a hundred thousand wounded. Yet in forty-seven days of intense combat, those Americans pushed back the enemy and forced the Germans to surrender, bringing the First World War to an end:a feat the British and the French had not achieved after more than three years of fighting. In Forty-Seven Days , historian Mitchell Yockelson tells how General John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing's exemplary leadership led to the unlikeliest of victories. Appointed commander of the American Expeditionary Forces by President Wilson, Pershing personally took command of the U.S. First Army until supplies ran low and the fighting ground to a stalemate. Refusing to admit defeat, Pershing stepped aside and placed gutsy Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett in charge. While Pershing retained command, Liggett reorganized his new unit, resting and resupplying his men, while instilling a confidence in the doughboys that drove them out of the trenches and across no-man's-land. Also explored are a cast of remarkable individuals, including America's original fighter ace, Eddie Rickenbacker; Corporal Alvin York, a pacifist who nevertheless single-handedly killed more than twenty Germans and captured 132; artillery officer and future president Harry S. Truman; innovative tank commander George S. Patton; and Douglas MacArthur, the Great War's most decorated soldier, who would command the American army in the Pacific War and in Korea. Offering an abundance of new details and insight, Forty-Seven Days is the definitive account of the First Army's hard-fought victory in World War I:and the revealing tale of how our military came of age in its most devastating battle. Includes Photos", No Marketing Blurb, The Battle of the Meuse-Argonne stands as the deadliest clash in American history: More than a million untested American soldiers went up against a better-trained and -experienced German army, costing more twenty-six thousand deaths and leaving nearly a hundred thousand wounded. Yet in forty-seven days of intense combat, those Americans pushed back the enemy and forced the Germans to surrender, bringing the First World War to an end - a feat the British and the French had not achieved after more than three years of fighting. In Forty-Seven Days , historian Mitchell Yockelson tells how General John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing's exemplary leadership led to the unlikeliest of victories. Appointed commander of the American Expeditionary Forces by President Wilson, Pershing personally took command of the U.S. First Army until supplies ran low and the fighting ground to a stalemate. Refusing to admit defeat, Pershing stepped aside and placed gutsy Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett in charge. While Pershing retained command, Liggett reorganized his new unit, resting and resupplying his men, while instilling a confidence in the doughboys that drove them out of the trenches and across no-man's-land. Also explored are a cast of remarkable individuals, including America's original fighter ace, Eddie Rickenbacker; Corporal Alvin York, a pacifist who nevertheless single-handedly killed more than twenty Germans and captured 132; artillery officer and future president Harry S. Truman; innovative tank commander George S. Patton; and Douglas MacArthur, the Great War's most decorated soldier, who would command the American army in the Pacific War and in Korea. Offering an abundance of new details and insight, Forty-Seven Days is the definitive account of the First Army's hard-fought victory in World War I - and the revealing tale of how our military came of age in its most devastating battle. 'On September 26, 1918, the American Expeditionary Forces began the Battle of the Argonne Forest lacking a strategy, experience, or an understanding of what lay ahead. Forty-seven days later, at battle's end, the back of the German army had been broken and General John J. Pershing had secured his place as one of the great generals in American history. The story of this pivotal battle has never been better told than it is here. Mitchell Yockelson expands our understanding not only of how World War I ended, but also of how militaries can change and adapt under conditions of great adversity.' Max Boot, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power and Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present Day 'Get ready to dig into one of the wildest and deadliest battles in history. The beautifully researched Forty-Seven Days takes you right there and shows you all the minute details, from the pings of a bullet to Pershing's confidence and fears.' Brad Meltzer, New York Times Bestselling Author of The President's Shadow 'The Meuse-Argonne campaign in 1918 was the most significant battle fought by American Doughboys in World War I. In Forty-Seven Days , Mitchell Yockelson has written a superbly researched account of their coming of age under the leadership of Gen. John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing. This book will take its place as one of the best books written about the largest and one of the deadliest campaigns in American military history.' Carlo D'Este, Author of Patton: A Genius For War 'Mitchell Yockelson has become a preeminent World War I historian. With an absorbing narrative, fast pacing, and gritty detail, his Forty-Seven Days brings to life that war's final and bloody, The Battle of the Muese-Argonne was the deadliest clash in American history. More than a million untested American soldiers went up against a better-trained and more experienced German Army, costing over 26,000 deaths and nearly a hundred thousand wounded. In Forty-Seven Days, historian Mitchell Yockelson tells how General John J. Black Jack' Pershing's exemplary leadership led to the unlikeliest of victories.', The gripping account of the U.S. First Army's astonishing triumph over the Germans in America's bloodiest battle of the First World War--the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. The Battle of the Meuse-Argonne stands as the deadliest clash in American history: More than a million untested American soldiers went up against a better-trained and -experienced German army, costing more twenty-six thousand deaths and leaving nearly a hundred thousand wounded. Yet in forty-seven days of intense combat, those Americans pushed back the enemy and forced the Germans to surrender, bringing the First World War to an end--a feat the British and the French had not achieved after more than three years of fighting. In Forty-Seven Days , historian Mitchell Yockelson tells how General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing's exemplary leadership led to the unlikeliest of victories. Appointed commander of the American Expeditionary Forces by President Wilson, Pershing personally took command of the U.S. First Army until supplies ran low and the fighting ground to a stalemate. Refusing to admit defeat, Pershing stepped aside and placed gutsy Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett in charge. While Pershing retained command, Liggett reorganized his new unit, resting and resupplying his men, while instilling a confidence in the doughboys that drove them out of the trenches and across no-man's-land. Also explored are a cast of remarkable individuals, including America's original fighter ace, Eddie Rickenbacker; Corporal Alvin York, a pacifist who nevertheless single-handedly killed more than twenty Germans and captured 132; artillery officer and future president Harry S. Truman; innovative tank commander George S. Patton; and Douglas MacArthur, the Great War's most decorated soldier, who would command the American army in the Pacific War and in Korea. Offering an abundance of new details and insight, Forty-Seven Days is the definitive account of the First Army's hard-fought victory in World War I--and the revealing tale of how our military came of age in its most devastating battle.

Filmmakers treated include Antonio Eguino, Jorge Sanjines, Jorge Ruiz, Marcos Loayza, Paolo Agazzi, and Oscar Soria.It includes sermon outlines for the four-week series, plus instructions and ideas for music and worship leaders.In this new edition in TASCHEN s popular Basic Art series, we meet this pivotal figure of German art and explore his short but hugely accomplished career, which at once defined an era and set an enduring point of Expressionist reference.Literally meaning "pictures of the floating world", ukiyo-e refers to the famous Japanese woodblock print genre that originated in the 17th century and is practically synonymous with the Western world's visual characterization of Japan.Do you wish there was a fast and easy way to study for the exam AND boost your score?
Read book Faroe-Islander Saga : A New English Translation in FB2, TXT, PDF

This book offers a new English translation of the Faroe-Islander Saga (Faereyinga Saga), one of the great medieval Icelandic sagas, written by an anonymous Icelander in the early 13th-century. The saga tells the story of the first settlers on these wind-swept islands at the edge of the Scandinavian world, centered on the enduring animosity between Sigmundur Brestirsson and Thrandur of Gota, rival cheiftains whose bitter disagreements on the introduction of Christianity to the Faroe Islands set the stage for much violence and a feud which unfolds over generations of their descendants. This literary translation aims to make the saga-equally engaging and profound as the better known Njal's Saga or Grettir's Saga-accessible to a wider English readership. The translation is accompanied by a brief introduction, explanatory notes, genealogical and chronological tables, detailed maps, and an excerpt from Jomsviking's Saga which informs missing passages from the manuscripts of Faroe-Islander Saga., This new English translation of the Faroe-Islander Saga (Faereyinga saga)--a great medieval Icelandic saga--tells the story of the first settlers on these wind-swept islands at the edge of the Scandinavian world. Written by an anonymous 13th-century Icelander, the saga centers on the enduring animosity between Sigmundur Brestirsson and Thrandur of Gota, rival chieftains whose bitter disagreements on the introduction of Christianity to the Faroe Islands set the stage for much violence and a feud which then unfolds over generations of their descendants. Making the saga accessible to a wider English readership, the translation is accompanied by a brief introduction, explanatory notes, genealogical and chronological tables, detailed maps and an excerpt from Jomsvikings' Saga which informs missing passages from the Faroe-Islander Saga manuscripts., [This book offers a new English translation of the Faroe-Islander Saga (Faereyinga saga), one of the great medieval Icelandic sagas, written by an anonymous Icelander in the early 13th-century. The saga tells the story of the first settlers on these wind-swept islands at the edge of the Scandinavian world, centered on the enduring animosity between Sigmundur Brestirsson and Thrandur of Gota, rival cheiftains whose bitter disagreements on the introduction of Christianity to the Faroe Islands set the stage for much violence and a feud which unfolds over generations of their descendants.This literary translation aims to make the saga--equally engaging and profound as the better known Njal's Saga or Grettir's Saga--accessible to a wider English readership. The translation is accompanied by a brief introduction, explanatory notes, genealogical and chronological tables, detailed maps, and an excerpt from Jomsviking's Saga which informs missing passages from the manuscripts of Faroe-Islander Saga.]


Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner : Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning PDF read online book

"The acute and critical care nurse practitioner s essential case-based guide to developing differential diagnoses""Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning" presents a wide range of acute and critical care patient cases focusing on diagnosis and management. This authoritative book is designed to help nurse practitioners and students learn how to develop an accurate differential diagnosis and management plan using diagnostic reasoning. The cases highlight a comprehensive variety of system-based patient conditions and diseases in acute and critical care settings and are written by expert nurse practitioners who methodically demonstrate their diagnostic reasoning process. Readers are guided through the process of constructing a differential diagnosis using information from the chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems, physical examination findings, and selected diagnostic results. Through reconstructing the course of real-life clinical cases, the authors think out loud and reveal how they identify pertinent positives and significant negatives to support or refute items on their differential diagnosis list, and how they further refine potential diagnoses as additional patient information and laboratory and diagnostic exam results are introduced.Along with pertinent case information, authors include case analysis questions and salient discussion points that enable learners to actively participate in both inductive and deductive reasoning to work toward a correct diagnosis. The first of its kind, "Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning" is an essential and key learning and teaching resource for students, clinicians, and clinical faculty to master the art of diagnostic reasoning. Includes 71 cases based on real-life clinical scenariosTeaches how to develop and sharpen diagnostic reasoning skillsWritten by experienced expert nurse practitioners working in acute & critical care settingsCases can be used to support course work, certification review, and job trainingEndorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)", The ultimate, case-based guide for learning and teaching the art of diagnostic reasoning for acute and critical care nurse practitioners Written by experienced nurse practitioners working in acute and critical care settings,and endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner:Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning presents a wide range of acute and critical care patient cases focusing on diagnosis and management. This authoritative book is designed to help nurse practitioners and students learn how to proceed from a broad differential diagnosis to a specific management plan through expert analysis of patient data. While reconstructing the course of real-life clinical cases, the authors "think out loud" and reveal how they identify pertinent positives and significant negatives to support or refute items on their differential diagnoses list, and further incorporate laboratory and diagnostic testing results to establish a medical diagnosis. Each case includes a description of the management for the identified diagnosis. INCLUDES: 71 cases based on real-life clinical scenarios Analysis questions and case discussions to enable learners to actively participate ininductive and deductive reasoning Cases that can be used to support course work, certification review, and job training The first of its kind, Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning is an essential learning and teaching resource for students, clinicians, and clinical faculty to master the art of diagnostic reasoning.


Read online book Reviel Netz - Barbed Wire : An Ecology of Modernity DOC, PDF, DJV

In this original and controversial book, historian and philosopher Reviel Netz explores the development of a controlling and pain-inducing technology - barbed wire. Surveying its development from 1874 to 1954, Netz describes its use to control cattle during the colonization of the American West and to control people in Nazi concentration camps and the Russian Gulag. Physical control over space was no longer symbolic after 1874. This is a history told from the perspective of its victims. With vivid examples of the inter- connectedness of humans, animals, and the environment, this dramatic account of barbed wire presents modern history through the lens of motion being prevented. Drawing together the history of humans and animals, Netz delivers a compelling new perspective on the issues of colonialism, capitalism, warfare, globalization, violence, and suffering. Theoretically sophisticated but written with a broad readership in mind, Barbed Wire calls for nothing less than a reconsideration of modernity.

The play begins with the 1990s controversy over color-blind casting for "Miss Saigon" before it spins into a comic fantasy, in which the character DHH pens a play in protest and then unwittingly casts a white actor as the Asian lead.This puzzle assortment of easy, medium, and hard sudoku puzzles offers Kinkade fans the opportunity to carry his art with them and to be inspired by his work as they give in to their sudoku addiction.Booker, the man Bride loves and loses, whose core of anger was born in the wake of the childhood murder of his beloved brother .Each of the fifty works of architecture is presented through detailed consideration of its site, topology, and surroundings; natural light, volumes, and massing; program and circulation; details, fenestration, and ornamentation.Read the complete book review by Jack J.Among the most popular gallery exhibitions in 2015, the exhibition captivated thousands of viewers on a weekly basis with its vivid explorations of light in the space, and the richness and interplay of colors.From the Author: As a wayshower I am pleased to share this unique journey to see John of God for it illustrates an important truth.Where children must learn that they are alone, even within their families.Adnan Syed"On February 28, 2000, Adnan Syed was convicted and sentenced to life plus thirty years for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee, a high school senior in Baltimore, Maryland.Organized into three broad groupslife, love, and beautythe book ranges over the public and private side of Keegan Allen and his world.The book also questions claims of Thai AIDS control success, arguing that these can only be made at the cost of excluding categories such as intravenous drug users, the incarcerated, and homosexuals, who continue to experience extraordinarily high levels of levels of HIV infection.
Book The Lonely City : Adventures in the Art of Being Alone in DJV, TXT, FB2

An expertly crafted work of reportage, memoir, and biography on the subject of loneliness told through the lives of six iconic artists, by the acclaimed author of The Trip to Echo Spring. You can be lonely anywhere, but there is a particular flavor to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by thousands of strangers. The Lonely City is a roving cultural history of urban loneliness, centered on the ultimate city: Manhattan, that teeming island of gneiss, concrete, and glass.What does it mean to be lonely? How do we live if we're not intimately involved with another human being? How do we connect with other people, particularly if our sexuality or physical body is considered deviant or damaged? Does technology draw us closer together or trap us behind screens?Olivia Laing explores these questions by traveling deep into the work and lives of some of the century's most original artists, among them Andy Warhol, David Wojnarowicz, Edward Hopper, Henry Darger, and Klaus Nomi. Part memoir, part biography, part dazzling work of cultural criticism, The Lonely City is not just a map, but a celebration of the state of loneliness. It's a voyage out to a strange and sometimes lovely island, adrift from the larger continent of human experience, but visited by many--millions, say--of souls.

Police in three countries have written off trying to find him.Inspired by nomadic tradition, Tim Cope embarked on a journey that hadn't been successfully completed since those times: to travel on horseback across the entire length of the Eurasian steppe, from Karakorum, the ancient capital of Mongolia, through Kazakhstan, Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine to the Danube in Hungary.Inside you'll also find a Trail Finder that categorizes each hike (e.g., for attractions such as historical significance, views, and wildflowers); Green Tips; and information about local lore, points of interest, and the area's array of wildlife.Gentle Reader, BEWARE The trail of clues leads to spine-tingling surprises.They have denied knowing about the underhanded doings of underlings only to have a paper trail lead straight back to them.Part memoir, part guide to life, and all incredibly funny, "How to Succeed in Business without Really Crying" offers tips and tricks for getting ahead, finding your way, and opening locked doors even if you have to use a sledgehammer.", For many years, television comedy was an exclusive boys' club--until a brilliant comedian named Carol Leifer came along, blazing a trail for funny women everywhere.Somewhere along the winding Blue Ridge Mountain trails, Amber came to understand that Marquise was her gift from God.Reveals the secrets of alchemy, magical alphabets, the chakras, the Tree of Life, astrology, and much more.Another inventive, visually amazing adventure from the duo that created LOWRIDERS IN SPACE., The lovable trio from the acclaimed Lowriders in Space are back Lupe Impala, Elirio Malaria, and El Chavo Octopus are living their dream at last.
Read online book Ideas for the Animated Short : Finding and Building Stories by Karen Sullivan DJV, DOC

Animated shorts constantly challenge our notion of animation and storytelling techniques with memorable moments, heartwarming characters and amusing plotlines. Pixar shorts like Andre and Wally B proved that computer animation was possible; Tin Toy laid the groundwork for what would become Toy Story; and Mike's New Car exposed Pixar's finely tuned funny bone. These short films, premiering in front of feature films or online laid the groundwork for new techniques, great storylines and engaged audiences around the world. From demo reel creation to festival shorts, students and professionals alike are creating animated shorts that are dynamic and eye catching but the time constraints of these shorts are challenging in their own right. The unique format of the animated short of two to five minutes in length presents a practical and aesthetic challenge that is rarely addressed in the classroom. Ideas for the Animated Short is a comprehensive and practical blueprint for creative and unique animated short creation with a focus on the strength of a compelling story. Ideas for the Animated Short is your answer. A comprehensive guide to the animated short, this title is an invaluable asset for aspiring animation professionals, students and independent filmmakers. Explore the process of developing a short from conception to final delivery and adapt the industry's best practices in your own workflow. Written by three leading animators, artists and professors, Ideas for the Animated Short is written from the unique perspective of a professional animator adapting creative stories into incredible animated shorts. . Follow from start to finish the creation of an animated short from the pre-production thought process to story development and character design. Explore the best practices and avoid the common pitfalls of creating two to five minute shorts. Watch a specially created animated short, demonstrating the core techniques and principles at the companion website! Packed with illustrated examples of idea generation, character and story development, acting, dialogue and storyboarding practice this is your conceptual toolkit proven to meet the challenges of this unique art form. The companion website includes in-depth interviews with industry insiders, 18 short animations (many with accompanying animatics, character designs and environment designs) and an acting workshop to get your animated short off to a flying start! With all NEW content on script writing, acting, sound design and visual storytelling as well as stereoscopic 3D storytelling, further enhance your animated shorts and apply the industry best practices to your own projects and workflows. * This unique creative toolkit for idea generation and refinement is short and to the point, focused on the basic principles you need to know * The companion DVD contains professional and student animations (including preparatory sketches and storyboards) to demonstrate effective techniques and imaginative results * Packed with inspirational interviews and behind-the-scenes work from top professionals from Sony, Pixar and Disney, Editor's note: there has been an issue with the book's companion site. Focal Press is fixing the issue. In the meanwhile, please visit http: // for all the material promised in the book. From demo reel creation to festival shorts, students and professionals alike are creating animated shorts that are dynamic and eye catching but the time constraints of these shorts are challenging in their own right. The unique format of the animated short of two to five minutes in length presents a practical and aesthetic challenge that is rarely addressed in the classroom. Ideas for the Animated Short is a comprehensive and practical blueprint for creative and unique animated short creation with a focus on the strength of a compelling story. A comprehensive guide to the animated short, this title is an invaluable asset for aspiring animation professionals, students and independent filmmakers. Explore the process of developing a short from conception to final delivery and adapt the industry's best practices in your own workflow. Written by four leading animators, artists and professors, Ideas for the Animated Short is written from the unique perspective of a professional animator adapting creative stories into incredible animated shorts. Follow from start to finish the creation of an animated short from the pre-production thought process to story development and character design. Explore the best practices and avoid the common pitfalls of creating two to five minute shorts. Watch a specially created animated short, demonstrating the core techniques and principles at the companion website Packed with illustrated examples of idea generation, character and story development, acting, dialogue and storyboarding practice this is your conceptual toolkit proven to meet the challenges of this unique art form. The companion website includes in-depth interviews with industry insiders, short animations (many with accompanying animatics, character designs and environment designs) and an acting workshop to get your animated short off to a flying start With all NEW content on script writing, acting, sound design and visual storytelling that further enhance your animated shorts and apply the industry best practices to your own projects., From demo reel creation to festival shorts, students and professionals alike are creating animated shorts that are dynamic and eye catching but the time constraints of these shorts are challenging in their own right. The unique format of the animated short of two to five minutes in length presents a practical and aesthetic challenge that is rarely addressed in the classroom. Ideas for the Animated Short is a comprehensive and practical blueprint for creative and unique animated short creation with a focus on the strength of a compelling story. A comprehensive guide to the animated short, this title is an invaluable asset for aspiring animation professionals, students and independent filmmakers. Explore the process of developing a short from conception to final delivery and adapt the industry's best practices in your own workflow. Written by four leading animators, artists and professors, Ideas for the Animated Short is written from the unique perspective of a professional animator adapting creative stories into incredible animated shorts. Follow from start to finish the creation of an animated short from the pre-production thought process to story development and character design. Explore the best practices and avoid the common pitfalls of creating two to five minute shorts. Watch a specially created animated short, demonstrating the core techniques and principles at the companion website! Packed with illustrated examples of idea generation, character and story development, acting, dialogue and storyboarding practice this is your conceptual toolkit proven to meet the challenges of this unique art form. The companion website includes in-depth interviews with industry insiders, short animations (many with accompanying animatics, character designs and environment designs) and an acting workshop to get your animated short off to a flying start! With all NEW content on script writing, acting, sound design and visual storytelling that further enhance your animated shorts and apply the industry best practices to your own projects., Ideas for the Animated Short, Second Edition helps you: guide that character, into a storyline, that has something to say, and is good for animation. And while the title says "ideas," this book goes beyond just giving you ideas. What this book does is it helps you generate and cultivate these ideas. It takes you from idea inception all the way to staging and developing your animated short. It guides you through planning to production. This book also has: Interviews with industry experts such as Brandon Oldenburg and Adam Volker from the Academy Award � winning studio, Moonbot Studies; Tom Bancroft from Funnypages Productions; Steve Hickner from Dreamworks, who share their secrets on character design, visual development, story development and more. A companion site that hosts in-depth interviews with industry insiders, short animations (many with accompanying animatics, character designs and environment designs) and an acting workshop. New content that includes information on nonlinear narrative, preproduction case studies, non- sound design and visual storytelling as well as working in collaboration and designing for specific skills sets that will help you reach your career goals. Book jacket.


Seraph: Seraph of the End Vol. 1 : Guren Ichinose - Catastrophe at Sixteen by Takaya Kagami read online book MOBI, DJV, FB2

"Seraph of the End is a novelized prequel of the hit manga series of the same name, published by Viz Media, and detailing the series of events that occurred eight years before the start of the manga. Full of teen agnst and dark fantasy action, it is a modern tale that properly represents the new Japanese literary genre - Light Novels.", Class and social standing has torn lovers Glen and Mahiru apart, but nothing, not monsters or wizards or vampires or even blood will keep these two teens separated for long in this supernatural high school action romance. The Seraph Of The End light novel is the basis for the best-selling Shonen Jump manga from Viz Media. Already a big seller, Seraph is poised to be the next major title from an already strong brand., The apocalypse is not only near, but a certainty. Set before the event and the aftermath detailed by the hit manga, this stand-alone prequel light novel series chronicles the inexorable approach of the reign of vampires. Witness the trials of Guren Ichi­nose, who must hide his true strength even as he is trampled on at an academy for the insufferably privileged. Includes 28 pages of illustrations, 7 of them in color!